How can you make a full time income trading options?

Options trading is an advantageous and versatile instrument in the stock and trading markets. Their liquidity permits the investor to leverage their position to boost profits. The options trading also allows the user to manage the threats by utilizing them for shielding and generating a profit from the sideways and down ways fluctuation in the market.

How can you make a full time income trading options?
trading full time, full time options, trading options

Most people usually wonder if they can generate a full-time income or profits from options trading or not? The answer to this question is yes. You can make a living and even fortune if done perfectly. However, trading options have the potential trading capital risk, and investors need to learn how to manage funds to avoid scams and losing money.

This article will answer your every question about whether you can make a full-time income or not by trading options in the stock market at a low price level.

Most traders will fail

At this point researching trading or even getting started you have probably heard the number of profitable traders is less than 10%. In fact, this one article by Tradeceity says the number could be as low as 1.6%.

While this might be a tough journey where many will fail, those who succeed can reap tremendous rewards. Profitable traders that find the correct system have the ability to make an infinite amount of money. As long as the system keeps working and the trader can manage emotions the sky is the limit. This is probably why we typically see the most successful traders driving exotic cars and flying private jets.

How can one become a successful options trader?

Just like any skill in life, it takes time to become successful at the task. Trading options requires many important criteria that cannot be overlooked including knowledge, capital, time, emotional control, and a suitable system.

Find the suitable options trading system

Let's dive into that last one, a suitable options trading system. The most common mistake that almost every investor and trader makes while stepping into the market of stock without a proper plan about direction and price. Without direction and a roadmap to follow, it isn't easy to achieve the goal. The emotional aspects of the trading influence and increase the possibility of mistakes.

With the best options trading system, you will have prominent entries, stops as well as targets imprinted on charts for convenience. Moreover, there is no confusion about anything when one gets in and gets out because everything is already mentioned on the chart. It adds up to the trader's convenience.

With the system and roadmap on hand but the figures in your favor, you can buy and sell the option with optimal energy without worrying about the lost price.

Find the suitable options strategy

Once the trader has developed a proper options trading system the next step is to find the right options strategy. The beauty of options is diversification allowed for traders and investors. Options can allow investors to bring in passive income without spending time behind the screen all day. Certain option strategies can allow for quick profits of 10-20% return within minutes.

The major difference between these strategies is the risk involved. While the returns may increase for some strategies the possible loss of capital does too. Therefore a trader must know what risk fits their trading style compared to the type of return needed.

If you are curious about the possible option trading strategies available please refer to the list below:

  1. Option Scalping: This options trading style refers to quickly entering and exiting options the same day for profits. The leverage from short-term options can produce some of the most powerful gains from this strategy.

  2. Option Selling: This option selling style refers to shorting options, credit spreads, or iron condors for income. Options statistically have a very high chance of going to zero and selling an option, gives the seller a sometimes 80-90% chance of profit. Option selling takes the struggle out of the trading system because of this high inherent win rate.

  3. Options Swing Trading/Investing: Options have expiration dates going out as far as 2-4 years. Longer expiration date options allow investors to buy and hold, just as they normally would for a stock except the option allows for more leverage and higher possible returns.

Start with Paper Trading Options

A famous saying, "it takes money to make money." This is not necessarily true! Traders can get started with paper accounts as they figure out their trading style, options strategy, and more. Most traders will lose money for 2-3 years and that makes paper-trading in the beginning that much more important. Paper trading allows traders to test, tweak, and learn without using actual money. Many platforms allow traders to use "paper" money trading options.

Some of the best paper trading platforms include:

  1. Webull:
  2. TDAmeritrade:
  3. eOption:

How much capital to start trading options?

Most traders will lose money in the beginning so this is a better question you should ask yourself to fully understand the risk. Any amount of money inside a trading account can be lost for a variety of reasons. So the simple rule is to only trade what you are willing to lose. Options have such a high likelihood of going to zero which makes this simple rule that much more important.

Account Size Option Limitations

Eventually, the amount of money inside an options trading account becomes important. To start, being below $25,000 puts traders at risk of the PDT rule. The PDT rule stops traders from making more than 3-day trades in 5 days. Luckily, there are certain option strategies that can help traders get around this limitation, mainly with option spreads.

Account sizes under $5,000 will limit many traders because of the following reasons:

  • Limitations on the numbers of options bought: This will cause traders to have problems selling slowly out of positions and maximizing profits

  • Limitations on the option premium size: This is basically the cost of the option. Some options can cost as much as $5,000. The smaller pool of options to buy makes it hard for traders to trade certain stocks. Another huge concern is buying options that cost the trader their whole account size which is referred to as going all in. Generally, the best traders only buy 10% max of their account size per trade, and going over this can lead to huge losses.

  • Limitations on

Benefits of option trading

Trading options are an advantageous option for generating a considerable amount. Except that it has many benefits that one cannot ignore. Some of these leverages are


Many traders have access to limited funds, so they will have to make wise use of the capital through leverage. Option trading brokers provide leverage. This will facilitate the trader to control decent position sizes from a few hundred dollars. For example, a trader can hold the control of one hundred shares of Facebook stocks for some part of the cost of actual awning shares.

Limited risk

Option trading exposes the trader to minimize risk as compared to forex trading. For options, the risk is limited to the cost of it. As we know, the chance to the reward ratio is pre-determined and fixed; a trader will learn about the expected risk. The percentage returns they will receive at the end of the and before the maturation of trade.

Make money on premiums

If the trader is involved in option selling, you can earn a fortune. Most experienced and professional options traders make it to the fortune markets by banking the premium through selling options.

Minimum time required

Unlike many trade markets competing nowadays, options trading does not bind you to stick to the computer the entire day. Just keep a check on the cart once a day and check if there is a set-up you can take and leave charts once the trades have activated. This is an ideal option to earn a full-time or passive income while busy with family and friends.

Traits of a successful trader

As a trader, you must be wondering, can I make living trading options? Only a capital fund cannot bring you a fortune. There are some habits of most successful traders that every beginner needs to acquire. With these habits, they will never be disappointed.

Good with numbers'

If you are bad with numbers, you will likely make mistakes that lead to loss and downfall. Throughout the process, the options trader answers what volatility is? Is the option out of that much money or in the capital? They also deal with the option Greeks, for example, gamma, delta, and theta of their options. In order to succeed, you will have to prove with figures.

Be Patient

Patience is the most important quality that every trader should have. A patient investor should wait for the market to generate income instead of trying to trap big fish. It is common to see the trader sitting idly and observing the market in options trading. They wait for the expected or coming benefit.

Develop a trading style and Be an active learner

Every investor and trader has a different personality and nature; they should adapt their style accordingly. Some traders are good at day trading, where day traders sell and buy options many times a day to make even minimal profit. On the other hand, some are comfortable with position trading, where they form trading strategies to benefit from unique opportunities, for instance, volatility.

According to a survey, 90% of options traders fail at the first attempt. What makes them different from successful traders is their ability to learn from loss. Afterward, utilizes this experience for future trading.

Moreover, the financial market is constantly changing and evolving. To be successful in any trade industry, you need to thoroughly understand what is happening and observe and learn from the environment. By acquiring the habit of being an active learner, you will not only be able to enhance current trading strategies, but you might also grab other opportunities.

Maintain records and plan your trade

Successful and professional options traders keep clear and updated records of their trades. Maintaining the trade record is a palpable and essential habit to assist you in avoiding making costly decisions. Moreover, the history of trade options records also provides information to enhance success and track progress.

Pre-planning investment gives you a proper path to follow; it will let you go on and off to your goal. As options traders who plan are more likely to succeed than those, who jump blindly. If you do not plan, you will invest in any random option leading you to the disaster and be directionless.

Be flexible

You can make your own rules; you need to go with the flow of the market. You must learn to accept losses and that you will inevitably lose. Accepting the situation instead of fighting the market is paramount to winning, clarity and understanding.

So can you make money trading options?

Not all, but some mindful traders can generate handsome income and fortune as well. Especially when one has few life expenses to start with. However, you cannot blindly rely on trading options. Here is more advice to make your life livable with the options in hand.

Do not rely on options entirely and think about leaving the job. Capital is not a simple and easy task to find if you do not have enough savings and a consistent cash flow. However, do not depend on the trade options profit to carry on or enhance lifestyle as a beginner trader.

First of all, start learning about trading, options, and investment in general. You can learn from the internet and get actual experience. Moreover, the real-life experience will teach you more than your expectations. Above all, you can easily practice with easy trade demo and practice accounts because there is no time limit for the account.

Select the best options trading strategy that complements your nature and personality and should be risk-tolerant. There are various strategies followed in the market. You can also draft your trading strategy through experience, learning as well as reading.

Before actually start trading, keep practicing demo buy and sell account so you can consistently return paper money. Make your own strategy and follow it with full confidence.

Slowly start trading with the money as you are testing your great trading strategy. Put your emotions to the test as well. Initially, make one or two trade options contract and let them run. Learn position and risk management from options contract both at good and bad trade rationally.

If you do not have patience, this option contract is not for you. Making a full-time living in options trading takes time. As a beginner, you should not expect thousands of dollars.

Once you have determined what works for you, start increasing the trading volume as well as the number of positions you take while maintaining the risk at an acceptable level. This will make sure that as a newbie, you remain consistent in the long run.

In the end, keep studying, learning from mistakes, gaining experience, and improving your system through back-testing. Ultimately will get the expected results.

Is option trading worth it?

The answer varies from person to person. If you are a newbie, you will have to learn a lot and gain experience in order to make something out of it. If you cannot stay patient, you will lose, and this industry will not be regarded as worthy for you.

On the other hand, if an options trader is patient and willing to learn and grow, there is nothing like trading options. The constant struggle with experience and information will lead you to a full-time income and maybe earn a fortune. Then the trading options will be worthwhile for you.


Professional and experienced options traders get a thrill from watching their trade grow and generate profit. Indeed, it would be great. Trading options for living is undoubtedly a rewarding means, but if you stay successful. In order to ensure profit, you need to follow proper technical analysis and resistance levels strictly. Practicing technical analysis and learning from mistakes will ultimately benefit you by avoiding high-priced stocks.

Trade with us!

Looking for a more sophisticated and educational options trading experience, look no further than "Market Moves Premium Options Trading Group." Our exclusive 7-day membership offers swing trading set-ups, fast text signals, and +100 hours of educational content. Plus, you'll have access to live trading sessions twice per day. So if you're ready to take your options trading to the next level, join us today!

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